Learn how to connect Engini to Texas Instruments.
Using Engini’s Texas Instruments (TI) activities, you can receive ASN push notifications, retrieve product information, manage inventory, and execute other automated tasks directly from your TI systems.
To get started with the Texas Instruments integration, sign in to your TI developer account or create one at TI.com. Follow the steps in the API documentation to set up and customize your connection in Engini.
Getting Started with Texas Instruments #
Prerequisites #
- A Texas Instruments developer account.
Add a connection to Google Drive in Engini #
- Enter your Engini account at https://app.engini.io.
- Navigate to Connections page by clicking on the Connections on the left sidebar or by clicking here.
- Click on the Add connection option located at the topbar.
- Choose Google Drive option from the available applications.

5. Enter the following details in the “Add Connection” form:

- Connection name.
- Client Id – A unique identifier provided by Texas Instruments when registering your application. It is used to authenticate your connection.
- Client Secret – A secure key generated by Texas Instruments that, alongside the Client ID, ensures that only authorized applications can access the API.
- Click on the save button to save the connection.
Triggers #
Backlog – receive ASN Push notifications #
The trigger monitors Texas Instruments’ ASN (Advanced Shipping Notice) notifications, listening for shipment updates in real-time as they are pushed to the connected system.

- URL – This field defines the webhook where Texas Instruments sends ASN notifications. It is automatically generated when the trigger is created and is unique to each workflow.
Financial Document Push API #
This trigger listens for financial document updates from Texas Instruments, automatically starting a workflow in Engini when new data is pushed.

- URL – This field defines the webhook where Texas Instruments sends the financial document push notifications. It is automatically generated when the trigger is created and is unique to each workflow.
Actions #
Append to Object Array #
This activity appends a new object to an existing object array variable.

- Variable – Choose the object array variable where the new object will be appended.
Initialize Object Array #
This activity initializes a new object array in your workflow.

- Variable Name – Enter the name of the variable that will store the initialized array.
- Object Element Type – Select the type of objects that will be stored in the array (e.g., Line Item, Creates Backlog Order, etc.).
Get a Specific Product by Its Identifier #
This activity retrieves detailed information about a specific product from Texas Instruments by using the product’s unique identifier.

- Product Identifier – Enter the URL-encoded unique identifier for the product you want to retrieve.
Get a Specific Product by Its Identifier (Orchestrated) #
This activity retrieves detailed information about a specific product from Texas Instruments using its unique identifier, with additional orchestration applied for more complex workflows.

- Product Identifier – Enter the URL encoded unique identifier for the product you want to retrieve.
Get Pageable Products List #
This activity retrieves a paginated list of products based on various filters such as product type, lifecycle status, and more.

- Filter –
- The Generic Product Identifier – Enter the generic part number to filter products.
- The Life Cycle Status – Filter products by their life cycle status.
- The Package Type – Specify the package type to filter products.
- The Pin Count – Filter products by the number of pins.
- The Product Family Description – Filter products based on their family description.
- Top N – Specify the number of entries to retrieve (default: all).
Get product parametrics data #
This activity retrieves detailed parametric data for a specific product using its unique identifier.

- Product Identifier – Enter the URL-encoded unique identifier for the product you want to retrieve parametric data for.
Get product quality data #
This activity retrieves the quality data of a specific product from Texas Instruments by using the product’s unique identifier.

- Product Identifier -Enter the URL-encoded unique identifier for the product to retrieve its quality data.
Map Object Array #
This activity maps data from a list into an object array. It allows you to structure data according to a predefined object type.

- Data List – Provide the list of data that you want to map into the object array.
- Object Name -Select the type of object (e.g., Line Item, Customer Item Comments, Backlog Order) to map the data into.
Backlog Actions #
Change a backlog order by customerPurchaseOrderNumber #
This activity allows you to modify a backlog order based on the specified customer purchase order number.

- Test/Production – Select whether the action applies to the Test or Production environment.
- Customer Purchase Order Number – Enter the unique identifier for the order you want to modify.
- Checkout Profile Id – Provide the customer’s checkout profile ID.
- Fields –
- Line Items – Choose the line items that need to be updated.
- Order End Customer Company Name – Enter the company name where this data will be used.
- Order Purchase Order Date – Input the original date the purchase order was generated.
Change a backlog order by orderNumber #
This activity allows you to modify a backlog order by using the Texas Instruments (TI) order number.

- Test/Production – Select whether the action applies to the Test or Production environment.
- Order Number – Enter the unique identifier for the order you want to modify.
- Checkout Profile Id – Provide the customer’s checkout profile ID.
- Fields –
- Line Items – Choose the line items that need to be updated.
- Order End Customer Company Name – Enter the company name where this data will be used.
- Order Purchase Order Date – Input the original purchase order date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Create a new quote with TI #
This activity allows you to create a new quote with Texas Instruments.

- Test/Production – Select whether the action applies to the Test or Production environment.
- Requested Unit Price Currency Code – Enter the currency code (e.g., USD) for the unit price.
- Checkout Profile Id – Provide the customer’s checkout profile ID.
- Line Items – Select the line items for the quote.
- Fields –
- Quote Contact Email Address – Enter the customer’s contact email.
- Quote Contact Name – Enter the customer’s contact name.
- Quote Contact Phone Number – Enter the customer’s contact phone number.
- Quote Customer Quote Number – Provide the unique customer quote identifier.
- Quote End Customer Company Name – Enter the end customer’s company name.
- Quote End Customer Website – Enter the website of the end customer.
- Quote Quote Reason – Provide the reason for requesting the quote
- CM Controlled – The quote request is controlled by a contract manufacturer.
- New Opportunity – The quote is for a new business opportunity.
- OEM Controlled – The quote is controlled by an original equipment manufacturer.
- Price Lookup – The quote is requested to look up or verify pricing.
Creates backlog order #
This activity allows you to create a new backlog order for Texas Instruments.

- Test/Production – Select the environment (Test or Production) where the action will be applied.
- Customer Purchase Order Number – Enter the unique identifier for the customer’s purchase order.
- Checkout Profile Id – Provide the customer’s checkout profile ID.
- Line Items – Select the line items to be added to the backlog order.
- Fields –
- End Customer Company Name – Provide the name of the end customer’s company.
- Purchase Order Date – Enter the date the purchase order was created, in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Get Backlog Order History #
This activity retrieves the history of backlog orders based on a range of filters provided.

- Test/Production – Select the environment where the action will be applied.
- Filter –
- Checkout Profile Id – Enter the customer’s checkout profile ID.
- CRD EDD Mismatch – Choose this to return records where there is a mismatch between customer requested date (CRD) and estimated delivery date (EDD).
- CRD End Date – Set the end of the customer requested date range (limit: 3 years).
- CRD Start Date – Set the start of the customer requested date range (limit: 3 years).
- Customer Part Number – Enter the customer’s orderable part number.
- Customer Purchase Order Number – Provide the customer’s purchase order number.
- End Date – Specify the end of the date range (limit: 3 years or 500 records)
- Esd End Date – Set the end of the estimated shipping date (ESD) range (limit: 3 years).
- Esd Start Date – Set the start of the estimated shipping date (ESD) range (limit: 3 years).
- Order Status – Choose the order status.
- Page Number – Set the page number (defaults to 1 if not provided).
- Pending Manual Schedule – Filter for orders where TI’s scheduling system hasn’t scheduled them yet (False/True).
- Price Mismatch – Choose this to return records where there’s a price mismatch (False/True).
- Rsd End Date – Set the end of the rescheduled shipping date (RSD) range (limit: 3 years).
- Rsd Start Date – Set the start of the rescheduled shipping date (RSD) range (limit: 3 years).
- Start Date – Set the start of the date range (limit: 3 years or 500 records).
- Status – Specify the status of the line item.
- TI Part Number – Provide the TI orderable part number.
Get estimated delivery costs #
This activity calculates the estimated delivery costs for backlog orders based on the line items and shipping information provided.

- Line Items[] – Enter the list (array) of items for which you want to estimate delivery costs.
- Ship To Account Number – Provide the TI shipping entity identifier (the account number where items will be shipped).
- Checkout Profile Id – Input the customer’s checkout profile ID.
Retrieve ASN Details #
This activity retrieves the Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) details for a specific backlog order.

- Test/Production – Select the environment (Test or Production) for the request.
- Filter –
- Customer Purchase Order Nubmer – Enter the customer’s purchase order number.
- Order Number – Input the TI order number.
- Request Commercial Invoice PDF – Select to retrieve the commercial invoice in base64 format (False/True).
- Request Waybill PDF – Select to retrieve the waybill document in base64 format.
- Way Bill Number – Provide the waybill number for the order.
Retrieve Backlog Order #
This activity retrieves backlog order details based on the provided customer purchase order number or TI order number.

- Test/Production – Select the environment (Test or Production) for the action.
- Filter –
- Customer Purchase Order Number – Enter the customer’s purchase order number to retrieve the order details.
- Order Number – Input the TI order number to retrieve the specific backlog order.
Retrieve Financial Document #
This activity retrieves financial documents related to a backlog order, such as invoices or delivery details.

- Test/Production – Select the environment (Test or Production) for the request.
- Filter –
- Customer Purchase Order Number – Enter the customer’s purchase order number.
- Delivery Number – Input the delivery number associated with the document.
- End Date – Specify the end date for the document search
- Financial Document Number – Enter the financial document’s unique identifier.
- Order Number – Provide the TI order number.
- Request Invoice PDF – Select to retrieve the invoice in base64-encoded PDF format(False/True).
- Start Date – Input the start date for the document search.
- Status – Choose the document status (Being Processed/Completed/Open/Pending/Reject).
Retrieve Test Backlog Order #
This activity retrieves test backlog orders based on the provided customer purchase order number or TI order number.

- Is Test – Specify whether this is a test order retrieval(False/True).
- Fields –
- Customer Purchase Order Number – Enter the customer’s purchase order number to retrieve the test backlog order.
- Order Number – Input the TI order number to retrieve the specific test backlog order.
Retrieve your quote from TI #
This activity retrieves a quote from Texas Instruments based on the provided quote details.

- Test/Production – Select whether to retrieve the quote from the Test or Production environment.
- Fields –
- Customer Quote Number – Enter the customer’s unique quote number.
- Quote Number – Provide the specific quote number from TI to retrieve the quote details.
Retrieves a summary list of Checkout Profiles #
This activity retrieves a summary list of all available checkout profiles from Texas Instruments.

Retrieves the Details for a Specific Checkout Profile #
This activity retrieves detailed information for a specific checkout profile from Texas Instruments.

- Checkout Profile ID – Enter the customer’s checkout profile ID to retrieve the details of that specific profile.
Send Remittance Advice #
This activity allows you to send remittance advice to Texas Instruments, including the payment details and associated line items.

- Test/Production – Choose whether the action is for the Test or Production environment.
- Currency Code – Specify the currency for the payment (allowed values: USD, JPY).
- Line Items – Enter the line items associated with the payment.
- Fields –
- Remittance Advice Number – Provide the customer’s remittance advice number.
Store Actions #
Checkout Profile Details #
This activity retrieves the details of a specific checkout profile based on the customer’s checkout profile ID.

Customer’s Checkout Profile Id – Enter the unique identifier for the customer’s checkout profile to retrieve the relevant details.
Checkout Profiles Summary #
This activity retrieves a summary list of all checkout profiles associated with a customer in the Texas Instruments store. It allows you to view key details of each checkout profile without needing specific identifiers.

Create a TI store order #
This activity allows you to create a new store order in the Texas Instruments store. You can specify checkout details, shipping preferences, and line items for the order.

- Test/Production – Select whether the action will be performed in the Test or Production environment.
- Fields –
- Order Checkout Profile Id – Enter the customer’s checkout profile ID.
- Order Customer Order Comments – Add any comments for the customer order.
- Order Customer Purchase Order Number – Provide the customer’s purchase order number, if applicable.
- Order End Customer Company Name – Enter the name of the end customer’s company.
- Order Expedite Shipping – Set to “True” or “False” to request expedited shipping.
- Order Line Items – Specify the line items included in the order.
Get Details for a specific order #
This activity retrieves detailed information about a specific store order from Texas Instruments. By providing the order number, you can obtain all relevant details regarding that particular order.

- Order Number – Enter the unique order number for which you want to retrieve details.
Get Estimated Delivery Costs #
This activity calculates the estimated delivery costs for an order based on the provided region, currency, and quantity.

- Region Code – Enter the 2-character ISO country code (e.g., US for the United States).
- Currency Code – Specify the 3-character ISO currency code (e.g., USD for US dollars).
- Quantity – Input the quantity of items for which you want to estimate the delivery cost.
Get Information for a Product by Its OPN #
This activity retrieves detailed information about a product in the Texas Instruments store using its Orderable Part Number (OPN). You can request product data, including pricing and availability.

- Part Number – Enter the product’s OPN to retrieve its information.
- Fields –
- Currency – Specify the currency for pricing information.
- Exclude evms – Select whether to exclude Earned Value Management Systems (EVMS) from the query (False/True).
Get List of TI store products #
This activity retrieves a list of products from the Texas Instruments store based on a generic part number and optional filters such as currency and exclusions.

- Generic part number – Enter the generic part number of one or more child products.
- Filter –
- Currency – Specify the currency for pricing information.
- Flag To Exclude EVM – Set to exclude Evaluation Module (EVM) products.
- Top N – Specify the number of entries to retrieve (default: all).
Retrieve a financial document details #
This activity retrieves details of a financial document, such as invoices or receipts, based on the supplier’s sales order or document number.

- Test/Production – Select whether the request is for the Test or Production environment.
- Supplier Sales Order Number – Provide the supplier’s sales order number to retrieve the document.
- Supplier Document Number – Enter the specific supplier document number.
- Fields –
- Request PDF – Set to retrieve the document as a base64-encoded PDF file (False/True).
Retrieve the Full Catalog of Parts Available #
This activity retrieves the complete catalog of available parts from the Texas Instruments store. You can apply filters such as currency and whether to exclude Evaluation Module (EVM) products.

- Fields –
- Currency – Specify the currency for pricing information.
- Earned Value Management System – Select whether to exclude EVM (Evaluation Module) products from the query (False/True).
Retrieves ASN Details for a Given TI Sales Order Number and WayBillNumber #
This activity retrieves Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) details based on the TI sales order number and waybill number. You can request related documents like commercial invoices and waybills.

- Test/Production – Select whether the action is for the Test or Production environment.
- TI Sales Order Number – Provide the TI sales order number to retrieve the ASN details.
- TI Waybill Number – Enter the waybill number associated with the sales order.
- Fields –
- Request Commercial Invoice PDF – Option to retrieve the commercial invoice as a base64-encoded PDF (False/True).
- Request Waybill PDF – Option to retrieve the waybill document as a base64-encoded PDF (False/True).
Retrieves ASN details for a given TI sales order number #
This activity retrieves Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) details based on a specific TI sales order number. It also allows the retrieval of related documents such as commercial invoices and waybills.

- Test/Production – Select whether the action applies to the Test or Production environment.
- TI Sales Order Number – Enter the TI sales order number to retrieve the ASN details.
- Fields –
- Request Commercial Invoice PDF – Option to retrieve the commercial invoice as a base64-encoded PDF (False/True).
- Request Waybill PDF – Option to retrieve the waybill document as a base64-encoded PDF (False/True).
Retrieves Order History for a Specific Date Range #
This activity retrieves the order history for a specified date range. You can set the start and end dates to filter the results based on a particular period.

- Start Date – Enter the start date for the order history range.
- End Date – Provide the end date to define the period for the order history.
Send remittance advice #
This activity allows you to send remittance advice to Texas Instruments, specifying payment details such as currency and line items.

- Test/Production – Choose between the Test or Production environment.
- Currency Code – Specify the currency code (e.g., USD, EUR) for the remittance.
- Line Items[] – Enter the list of individual items included in the remittance, specifying details like quantity and price for each item.
- Fields –
- Remittance Advice Number – Input the customer’s remittance advice number.